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Dating Violence in LGBTQ+ Relationships
Dating Violence in LGBTQIA+ Relationships is Common
43% of LGBTQ+ youth experienced physical dating violence
59% of LGBTQ+ youth experienced emotional abuse
37% of LGBTQ+ youth experienced digital abuse
23% of LGBTQ+ youth experienced sexual coercion
Abusive partners in a LGBTQ+ relationship might:
Pressure or threaten to “out” their partner to their family, friends or employers
Make their partner believe no one will help them or that they deserve the abuse
Isolate their partner from friends or the LGBTQ+ community by making claims they are "not" lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender
Question or not believe the victim’s sexual orientation.
Portray the abuse as mutual or consensual
Call their partner names that are homophobic, or transphobic.
While anyone can experience dating violence, regardless of their age, race, gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, or culture. LGBTQ+ youth are at greater risk of dating violence than their heterosexual or cisgender counterparts. Homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism creates barriers for LGBTQ+ youth in seeking support when experiencing dating violence. If you identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ), you might feel:
Reporting will force you to out yourself or your partner
You won't believed or taken seriously.
Fear of retaliation, harassment, rejection or bullying.
You are betraying the LGBTQ community by reporting your partner.
Speaking up may be difficult, but you are not alone, there is support available for you. You Deserve a Safe & Healthy Relationship, regardless of how you identify!
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